Undoing the digital: sociomaterialism and digital education – new book announcement

We are delighted to announce the publication of the book “Undoing the digital: sociomaterialism and digital education” by Cathy Burnett and Guy Merchant.

Undoing the Digital challenges common ways of understanding digital technology and its relationships to literacy and literacy education. The book explores how a sociomaterial perspective can provide an alternative analysis of literacy in the context of digital communication.

Undoing the digital Cathy Burnett is the President of the UK Literacy Association and Professor of Literacy and Education at Sheffield Hallam University.  Guy Merchant is Professor of Literacy in Education at Sheffield Hallam University.  Both are longstanding friends of the Literacy Research Centre, including through a recent talk to the Literacy Research Discussion Group. Guy Merchant has held a joint ESRC seminar series grant with Julia Gillen and their joint publications include the edited book (with Jackie Marsh and Julia Davies) Virtual Literacies: interactive spaces for children and young people, and the article Gillen, J.  Merchant, G. (2013), Contact calls: Twitter as a dialogic social and linguistic practice.Language Sciences, 35, 47-58. 

This exciting new book is published in the Routledge series Literacies. The series editors are Uta Papen and Julia Gillen.

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